A nonet is a chamber music composition which requires nine musicians. At Bay Atlantic Symphony’s Yes to No Nets! concert the nine featured musicians are all long-time, dedicated performers with the orchestra. British composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s Nonet, Op. 2 in F Minor is performed in the first half with a ravishing display of incredible contrasts. Written in 1894 with four large movements, the piece was performed just once at a student recital that year. Recently the nonet has enjoyed new popularity. Two additional nonets are performed in the second half, both composed by 20th-century Czech composers. Josef Foerster’s romantic Nonet, Op. 147 was composed in 1931 and Bohuslav Martinu’s Nonet No. 2, H 374 in 1959. Both musically express pastoral countryside contrasting with suave and urbane cosmopolitan landscapes. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate nine Bay Atlantic Symphony musicians performing in a sophisticated, intimate concert perfect for a January matinee.
Performance Information:
Saturday, January 18 at 3 p.m. at Guaracini Performing Arts Center
(Rowan University Cumberland Campus) 3322 College Dr., Vineland.
Sunday, January 19 at 2 p.m. at Stockton University’s Performing Arts Center, 101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway.