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Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge


Nancy Scully registered a team again this year (Scully’s Pink Nightmares) in honor of Bill Scully (our SONJ soccer and bocce coach) and his uncle who both passed away in 2023. The Scully’s have plunged for many years, and last year we honored Bill by joining the Scully family’s team at the plunge. We hope to see even more of our BUDS and KIIDS families and friends at this annual fundraiser, and you don’t have to be a SONJ athlete to participate. The Polar Bear Plunge in Wildwood is so much more than an icy dip into the Atlantic Ocean. SONJ provides year-round sports training, competition, leadership opportunities, and health screenings to thousands of athletes. All of these programs and services are completely FREE thanks to fundraising events like the Polar Bear Plunge at Wildwood.

Register: Click this button below to join the “Scully’s Pink Nightmares” team. If you’re not up for plunging, you can also donate to the team and share the link with your friends, family and anyone else who may be interested.

Reimbursement: The donation to SONJ to participate in the plunge is $110. BUDS will provide reimbursement for your family member who has Down syndrome and two adults to accompany them. Email a copy of your SONJ online registration receipt to Nancy Hennefer to request reimbursement at

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