The 3rd Annual Rally in the Alley will be held on Saturday, November 23, from 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM. The Rally is an outdoor street festival held on Mechanic Street, and will include live entertainment, drinks, food from local restaurants, auction baskets and lots of fun!
All funds raised from this event will benefit the HET's Innovative Teacher Grants Program, which celebrates and encourages innovation in our classrooms. We recognize that our district is working with a very limited annual budget. Through these grants, Haddonfield's teachers have been able to bring special programs into the district that would not have been funded by the traditional budget process. Examples of previous grants include BeeBots coding robots in elementary school libraries; a hydroponic garden for the middle school; and recording studio equipment for the music department; just to name a few. To hear more about this program from Haddonfield's teachers, visit
The Haddonfield Educational Trust’s mission is to enhance the educational excellence of the Haddonfield Public Schools. Over the years, the HET has raised substantial funds to support a wide variety of projects including campus beautifications and enhancements, extra-curricular programming, building and field improvements and student scholarships.
We hope you will join our efforts as a Rally in the Alley sponsor this year. We have many sponsorship levels available. In addition to the benefits at the event, we will also display your sponsorship and logo on our website with a link to your company/organization. You may submit sponsorship payment by check, made payable to Haddonfield Educational Trust or online at
Event tickets for non-sponsors are now on sale on EventBrite.